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Iqbal Day::9 November,2015

Iqbal Day::9 November,2015
Allama Iqbal, the poet of the East was a great poet and philosopher. He is admired for his unique thought provoking poetry that played a vital role in the struggle for independence of Pakistan. He is also called Hakeem-ul-ummat and is officially recognized as “National Poet”
His poetry is extremely thought provoking and inspiring for people of all ages. Every year, at Islamabad School Of Excellence we celebrate 9th Nov with great enthusiasm and educate our study about the life and work of this national hero.
This year, programs shall be on Iqbal Day. Here are some of the highlights of Iqbal Day 2015 celebrations at Islamabad School Of Excellence :
1.Performance on Iqbal’s Poem: A spider and a Fly
2.Performance on Iqbal’s Poem: A Cow and a Goat
3.Performance on Iqbal’s Poem: Lab pay aati hai dua
4.Performance on Iqbal’s Poem: Bee
5.student reading Iqbal’s Poem
6.Singing iqbals poems
7.Quiz competition on Iqbal
8.Speeches on Iqbal
9.Student reading Iqbal poem
10.Drawing competition
شعر را مقصود اگر آدم گری ست
شاعری ہم وارث پیغمبری ست
If the object of poetry is to create a new man,
Then poetry too is a successor to prophethood.
Just see what is happening around and what is going to happen;
What is the use in paying attention to the old tales?
Transmute thy handful of dust into gold
By submitting before a Perfect Man.
Another aspect of Iqbal's political thought was his concern with social injustice; for example, in “God's Order” (فرمان خدا) [B. J., 149] he makes God decree to his angels:
Get up and rouse the poor people of my world from sleep,
Shake the walls and gates of the palaces of the rich.
Warm the blood of my slaves with the ardour of Truth,
Let the humble sparrow contend with the eagle.
The age of democratic rule is drawing near,
Destroy all the old pictures wherever you find them.
Burn up the wheat on the fields
Which yield no bread to the farmer.

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