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CSS at 
Email:hrexcellence@hotmail.com, Twitter:@ExcellenceHR, Skype:excellencehr,
Ph: +92-51-262-38-39,Vfone:+92-51-430-20-42, Cell: +92-333-570-47-66
A)-Revise Maths & General Science books of Class 6,7 & 8.
B)-Read Matric,F.Sc,O & A Levels books of Maths,Biology,Physics,Chemistery And Computer Science.
C)-Solve more and more MCQ's, solve past papers at least last ten years.
D)-watch more and more videos of geography, biology and various other topics on https://www.youtube.com/, https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy,https://www.khanacademy.org/  and other educational websites.
GSA from net (howstuffworks.com)+ Imtiaz Shahid Book + Akram Kashmiri + Encarta + Wikipedia.
In my opinion, consult howstuffworks.com as  it is a good website for GSA.

E)- Draw Diagrams, Charts, try and give answers in bullets form in GSA paper.

Mostly mistreated part of CSS business. Yes it is true; aspirants generally overlook this paper and give very modest time to this paper.In fact, they are not absolutely wrong but little less smart. Our objective for this paper will be entirely different from rest of our papers.
A close analysis reveals us that GSA papers consist of following pattern based 3 papers (2004, 05 and 06):
Question having Only 1 Marks = 60 questions (6 x questions with 10 parts)
Questions having only 2 Marks =17 Questions (3 questions with average of 5 parts)
Questions having 5 Marks = 5 Question (2 x questions with 2.5 average parts)
Questions having 10 Marks = 3 questions (You have to write a descriptive note on a single topic)
And there are following broad categories
1. Physics = 35 % contribution
2. Chemistry= 20% Contribution
3. Biosciences = 15%
4. Space = 9%
5. Computers = 11%
6. Misc = Rest
So our main area of deliberations should be the MCQs having only one mark and it is advised that attempt all 60 MCQs and since 1 wrong MCQ will only charge you a single mark. If there is tie between 2 question, for example there is a descriptive question about Pollution having total of 10 marks and an MCQ question in you which you only know 5 questions and the rest you don’t know, please go for the sure 5 marks whether you know every thing about pollution. Rationale in the wake of this advice carries the weight of certitude of 5 marks which you will definitely gain and in descriptive questions you can not get beyond 7 marks how exquisitely you have written your answers, and still that is unsure. Then you must go for the questions having 2 marks and then 5 and in the end resort for 10 mark question. Reason yourself in skeptical questions, think cool and  never go for blind and wild guess, you are an erudite and smart person and must have an educated guess …….It works.
Now we have to prepare for the test, very simple. Go to the library and get  hold of handbooks of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, and a good detailed book on everyday science they have an Index ordered in alphabetically and try to memories and understand them daily every term since you never know which might be in paper.
You should be knowing:
All Scientific Abbreviations from A to Z
All Units from A to Z
All Human parts from A to Z
All big inventions from A to Z
And please never rely on your skills and background knowledge since this is the only paper in which you can make a lot of difference with others. And never plan half but always prepare full. And one thing you must be doing in next hour is the installation of Encarta Encyclopedia in your pc. Pick a subject and discover each and every facet of that topic.
A- (General Science) 60 Marks
I.            Physical Sciences: Constituents and Structure:-Universe, Galaxy, Light Year, Solar System, Sun, 
II.          Process of Nature: - Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Rotation and Revolution, Weather·Earth, Astronomical System of Units.  Variables (Global Temperature, Pressure, Circulation, Precipitation, Humidity) and 
III.        Natural Hazards and Disasters: - Earth Quake, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami,·Weather Variations.  Floods, Avalanche, Travelling Cyclone (Tropical Cyclone, Middle Latitude Cyclone 
IV.         Energy Resources: - Sources of Energy (Renewable i.e. LED Energy, Solar·and Tornadoes), Drought, Wildfire, Urban Fire. Disaster Risk Management.  Energy, Wind Energy and Non-Renewable Energy conservation and its sustainable 
V.           · Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Electromagnetic Radiations. ·use.  Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.
VI.         Modern Materials/Chemicals: - Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors. Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.
B-. Biological Sciences 
The Basis of Life: - Cell Structures and Functions (Subcellular Organelles such as  Plant and Animal Kingdom: - A brief survey of plant and animal kingdom to pinpoint similarities and diversities in nature.
* Biomolecules: - Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates and Enzymes. ·Nucleus, Mitochondria and Ribosomes).   Common Diseases and Epidemics: - Polio, Diarrhea, Malaria, Hepatitis, Dengue
* A Brief Account of Human Physiology. Common Diseases and Epidemics: - Polio, Diarrhea, Malaria, Hepatitis, Dengue their Causes and Prevention.
* New Model Concept of Producing BIO Fuel Method
C- Environmental Science 
Environment: -
 The Atmosphere (Layered Structure and Composition), Hydrosphere (Water Cycle, Major Water Compartments), Biosphere (Major Biomes) and Lithosphere (Minerals and Rocks, Rock Types, Plate Tectonics).
Atmospheric Pollution: - Types, Sources, Causes and effects of major air pollutants (COx, Particulate Matter, NOx, SOx, Tropospheric Ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds, Dioxins). Regional and Global air pollution issues (Acid-rain, Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming). International agreements on air pollution control (Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol).
Water Pollution:- Types, sources, causes and effects of major water pollutants (Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Oxygen Demanding Wastes, Plant Nutrients, Thermal Pollution, Infectious Agents, Sediments, Radioactivity, Heavy Metals and Acids). Drinking water quality and standards.
Land Pollution: - Solid waste management and disposal.
Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Science.
Population Planning.
D-Food Science
Concept of Balance Diet: - Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats and oil, Minerals, Fiber.
Quality of Food:- Bioavailability of Nutrients, Appearance, Texture, Flavor, Quality of Packed and Frozen Food, Food Additives, Preservatives and Antioxidants
Food Deterioration and its Control: - Causes of Food Deterioration, Adulteration, Food Preservation.
E- Information Technology
Computer (Hardware & Software Fundamentals); I/O Processing and data storage, Networking & Internet Standards, Application and business Software, Social Media Websites. Information Systems. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence.
Telecommunications: - Basics of Wireless Communication (Mobile, Satellite, Surveillance and GPS and Fiber Optic etc.
Part-II (General Ability) 40 Marks
F- Quantitative Ability/Reasoning  Concepts and ability to reasons quantitatively and solve problems in a· Basic Mathematical Skills. ·  Basic Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry (Average, Ratios, Rates, Percentage,·quantitative setting.  Angles, Triangles, Sets, Remainders, Equations, Symbols, Rounding of Numbers  Random Sampling· VII. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/Ability  Logical Reasoning includes the process of using a rational, systematic series of· steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion  Analytical Reasoning/Ability includes visualizing, articulating and solving both· complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and making decisions that are sensible based on available information, including demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information. VIII. Mental Abilities  Mental Abilities Scales that measures specific constructs such as verbal,·mechanical, numerical and social ability.

CSS at 
Email:hrexcellence@hotmail.com, Twitter:@ExcellenceHR, Skype:excellencehr,
Ph: +92-51-262-38-39,Vfone:+92-51-430-20-42, Cell: +92-333-570-47-66

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