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Overcoming the Divide: Addressing the Disconnect between the Poor and the Ruling Elite in Pakistan

Overcoming the Divide: Addressing the Disconnect between the Poor and the Ruling Elite in Pakistan
Riaz Laghari

(Photo: GulfToday)

The disconnect between the poor people of Pakistan and the ruling 1% is a significant issue that contributes to inequality and poverty in the country. The ruling 1% typically consists of wealthy politicians, businesspeople, and elites who hold the majority of the country's wealth and political power. Meanwhile, a large portion of the population lives in poverty and struggles to access basic needs like food, shelter, education, and healthcare.
This disconnect can lead to policies that prioritize the interests of the wealthy over those of the poor, exacerbating income and wealth inequality. The poor may feel marginalized and excluded from political and economic decision-making processes, leading to a sense of powerlessness and frustration.
To bridge this gap, it is important for the ruling 1% to recognize the challenges faced by the poor and work towards creating more inclusive policies that address these challenges. This could include investing in education and job training programs, providing access to healthcare and other essential services, and creating economic opportunities for those living in poverty.
Additionally, it is important for the government and other institutions to address corruption and ensure that resources are distributed fairly and transparently. This could include strengthening anti-corruption laws, improving transparency in government processes, and promoting accountability for those in positions of power.
In conclusion, bridging the disconnect between the poor and the ruling 1% is essential for creating a more equal and just society in Pakistan. This can only be achieved through collective efforts from both the government and the citizens to address the root causes of poverty and inequality.

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