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Study skills-tips and strategies

It can be difficult to retain the knowledge you study, but there are several techniques you can do to strengthen your memory and make it simpler to recollect material later. The following advice could be helpful:

Pay attention: The first step to remembering something is to give it your full attention. During studying, make sure you are attentive and focused.

Give your brain time to rest and refuel by taking breaks. Take brief breaks every 30 to 45 minutes to maintain attention.

Employ repetition to your advantage: Repetition can aid in memory retention. To help you remember what you've studied, regularly review your notes and study materials.

Employ active learning strategies: Try to interact with the material instead of merely reading and underlining. This can be accomplished by summarising your education, making flashcards, or taking practise tests.

Employ mnemonic tools to help you recall knowledge. Mnemonic tools are memory aids. For instance, you can utilise visualisation techniques or an acronym to help you remember crucial information.

Teach someone else: Sharing your knowledge with someone else is a terrific method to solidify it in your own memory.

Get enough sleep: Sleep is necessary for the formation of memories. Ensure that you receive adequate sound sleep every night.

Because every person's brain is unique, it's crucial to try out various study methods.

The following advice will help you fully concentrate on your studies:

Make a study schedule by: Establish a schedule that you can follow. Choose your most productive time and save it for studying.

To cut down on distractions, avoid social media, put your phone on silent, and find a quiet place to study.

Take breaks: Regularly taking a break from your work can help you stay alert and focused. During your break, stretch, take a stroll, or engage in any other activity you enjoy.

Use active learning techniques: Rather than just reading and rereading, utilise techniques like summarising, asking questions, and self-testing to reinforce your learning.

Employ visual aids: Mind maps, flowcharts, and diagrams are all useful visual aids that can help students understand and remember complex information.

The act of taking care of oneself is known as self-care. This can be achieved by obtaining enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and setting aside time to relax and unwind.

Join a study session: Collaborating with others is a great way to stay motivated and learn from your peers.

Set objectives for yourself, and when you achieve them, treat yourself. As a result, you'll be more driven and laser-focused.

Use technology: There are numerous online resources and applications that can help you study more effectively. Use them to your advantage.

Be prepared: Keep track of your notes, tasks, and deadlines in a planner or digital tool to prevent feeling overloaded and reduce stress.

Ask for help when you need it: If you need help understanding a concept or completing an assignment, don't be hesitant to ask for it. Request assistance from your instructors, tutors, or fellow students.

You may maintain your motivation by constantly reminding yourself of your goals and the benefits of achieving them. By surrounding oneself with progressive people and upbeat outlooks, you can maintain your own.

Move around: Exercise can improve cognitive function and leave you feeling more focused and alert. Use exercise in your routine to enhance your learning efforts.

By attempting to understand the subject on a deeper level than rote memorization, you can maintain your interest. Ask inquiries, check into pertinent topics, and seek out further resources.

Be adaptable: Be prepared to modify your study methods as needed to take into account changes to your schedule or learning preferences. To improve your performance, be flexible and open to trying new things.

Distrubances: internal 7 external:

Here are some methods you can employ to counter both internal and external disturbances that can interfere with your ability to focus and pay attention:

Practice mindfulness: You can become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and lessen the impact they have on your ability to concentrate by engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing.

Recognize and control internal distractions: Worry, anxiety, and critical self-talk are examples of internal distractions that can impair your focus. You can stay focused by recognizing these distractions and dealing with them.

Have clear objectives: Having well-defined objectives can keep you motivated and focused. To make progress more manageable, divide larger goals into more manageable, smaller activities.

Make your surroundings conducive: Distractions from the outside, such as noise, clutter, and discomfort, can make it difficult to focus. Provide a relaxing, well-lit work area with minimal distractions.

Employ time management techniques to your advantage to maximize your study time and decrease procrastination. To remain on track, set deadlines for projects, prioritize them, and use timers and calendars.

Take care of your bodily needs: A good diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep can all help you focus more clearly and experience fewer distractions.

Get assistance: If you need assistance dealing with internal distractions like anxiety or sadness, speak to friends, family members, or a counselor. Working with a tutor or joining a study group can both offer helpful support and lessen outside distractions.

Suggested books and YouTube videos to assist you to understand and enhance your study techniques:


"Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning" by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel:

"How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren:

"The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/081298160X

"Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" by Cal Newport: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Work-Focused-Success-Distracted/dp/1455586692

"Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)" by Barbara Oakley:

YouTube Videos:

"How to Study Effectively: 8 Advanced Tips - College Info Geek" by Thomas Frank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Xqu0jXlfs

"Study Tips from a Medical Student" by Ali Abdaal:

"The Science of Learning" by ASAPScience:

Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart


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