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Teaching Writing Process

 To teach writing as a process, the task of writing must be divided into manageable steps that teachers and students can both comprehend and adhere to. For educators, this involves emphasising the communication and discovery processes. As part of the discovery process, instructors support students in identifying their ideas and structuring them into readable writing. As part of the communication process, teachers assist students in clearly conveying their thoughts to their target audience.

The writing process must be divided into two stages for students: the thinking stage and the writing stage. Students need to be inspired to come up with ideas and arrange them into a meaningful structure during the thinking stage. Students should be encouraged to write out their thoughts while paying attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling during the writing stage.

Teachers can assist students develop their writing skills in a more organised and efficient way by breaking down the writing process into three manageable steps. This course is a great tool for both teachers who want to encourage their students to write better and for anyone who wants to become a better writer overall.

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