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The Presumptuous Sparrow

                                             The Presumptuous Sparrow

A collection of birds, including sparrows, lived in a little forest nearby, led by an owl. Before the owl made a smart sparrow his deputy, the woodland was quiet. Quickly becoming leader, the sparrow started making choices without consulting the other birds and even started ignoring the mighty wise owl.

Things appeared to be going smoothly at first, but the sparrow's conceit eventually overcame him. He started to act in an aggressive manner, upsetting the owls and other birds. The sparrow insisted on ruling with an iron grip despite the other birds' complaints.

The sparrow held his position until one day when the other, less smart sparrows took over. The sparrow, however, was not amused by this and began to cause mischief in the forest. He wished to reclaim his position but was rejected because of his previous actions as a leader.

The sparrow is currently causing trouble for those in charge of the woodland by circling with his devoted followers. While the helpless birds are suffering, the settlements around them are only observing in awe and doing no action.

The story serves as an allegory for the risks associated with unbridled authority as well as the results of conceit and ambition. It serves as a reminder that people should not only be chosen for their knowledge or cleverness, but also for their character and their capacity to lead with wisdom, empathy, and humility.

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