What if I don't speak English well?
Not understanding English can have a range of repercussions depending on your circumstance and the setting you are in. These are a few possible instances:
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is regularly used as a bridge language between people from different countries. If you don't speak or read English, it could be difficult for you to access material that is only available in English, such as scientific papers, news articles, or websites.
Communication problems: If English is the primary language used in the environment, it may be difficult for you to communicate with others. You can find it challenging to establish friends, and find work because of this.
Fewer employment opportunities: Many industries, including international commerce and academia, usually need English ability. If you don't speak English, you can have fewer job alternatives.
Literature, music, and film are only a few examples of the cultural contexts in which English is used. If you don't speak or understand the language, you can lose out on seeing these cultural items or understanding the cultural allusions that are common in English-speaking areas.
It's important to keep in mind that success or enjoyment isn't always dependent on comprehending English. Many wealthy and comfortable people all over the world don't speak English. You can acquire new skills, pick up new languages, engage with people, and learn about various cultures even if you don't speak English.