Lexical Obscurities Discover uncommon words to enrich and expand your vocabulary!
uncommon words, their meanings, and sentences
Dysania: the condition of struggling to get out of bed in the morning.
Sentence: Sarah battled dysania every day, frequently snoozing her alarm several times before getting out of bed.
Pogonotrophy: the process of keeping or growing a beard.
Sentence: In November, many men take part in 'Movember' to show off their pogonotrophy prowess and promote men's health awareness.
Snollygoster: A sly, unethical person, especially a politician
Sentence: The snollygoster politician, disregarding the repercussions, used public opinion manipulation to further his personal agenda.
Cachinnate: to laugh out loud or wildly.
Sentence: Everyone in the audience began to cachinnate in amusement as the comedian's quips were so fantastic, filling the room with laughter.
Nudiustertian: The day before yesterday.
Sentence: I had completely forgotten about our meeting nudiustertian until Ali reminded me this morning.
Lethologica: the difficulty to recall a specific name or word.
Sentence: She was giving a presentation when she had a moment of lethologica and forgot the name of a significant person.
Sesquipedalian: Possessing a propensity for or given to using big words.
Sentence: Students frequently needed dictionaries to understand the difficult terms in the professor's sesquipedalian lectures.
Ouroboros: A representation of eternity or cyclicality is a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail.
Sentence: The eternal cycle of life and death is symbolized by the ouroboros, a common symbol in many ancient cultures.
Petrichor: the enticing aroma of the ground after the rain.
Sentence: The petrichor, which smelled of damp soil and wet leaves, filled the air after the storm.
Apricity: the sun's warmth on a winter day.
They liked relaxing on the park seat basking in the apricity of the winter sun and feeling its comforting rays on their faces.
Cognoscenti: People who are particularly knowledgeable about a certain topic are known as cognoscenti.
Sentence: It would be wise to learn from the fashion cognoscenti.
Keep in mind that even if certain terms may not be widely used, they can nevertheless enrich and deepen your vocabulary.