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The Perpetual Pursuit of Luminous Yearning

The Perpetual Pursuit of Luminous Yearning

It seems to be an amazing and lyrical picture with themes of longing, fate, and the connection between darkness and light.

In the moonlit night, there lies a glowing mark,
This cherished night, a dawn adored by the dark. 
The awaited moment, it was not to be found, 
Not the dawn for which hearts yearned and were bound.

That desired dawn, with hopes it once adorned, 
Setting forth with friends, a destiny to be adorned. 
In the vast expanse of the celestial dome, 
Somewhere, there shall be the shore of the calm wave's home.

Somewhere, it will anchor, the vessel of the heart's distress, 
Young, passionate blood flows through the veins, oh, how relentless! 
Departing beloveds leave countless memories behind, 
With outstretched arms they call, bodies intertwined.

She was precious, the charm of the morning's cheek, 
She was a garden of radiance, glowing and unique. 
Desires danced lightly, and weariness oppressed, 
Heard it is, separation of darkness and light's behest.

Heard it is, fulfillment of the journey's destined course, 
Changing the dictates of the much-suffering source. 
The joy of union is lawful, but the torment of absence is a crime, 
The fire within the heart, the eye's longing, the heart's chime.

No trace of the affliction of separation does it show, 
From which source does the beautiful breeze blow? 
Still unaware of the secret that the candle's head holds, 
In the exalted night, its news yet unfolds.

The darkness has not diminished in the precious night, 
Neither has the hour of salvation for the sight and heart's plight. 
Keep on moving, for the destination is not yet in sight, 
Keep moving, don't lose your light.

The Perpetual Pursuit of Luminous Yearning

There is a shimmering imprint on the starry night. The dark is in love with this cherished night. Not the dawn that hearts desired and were bound for, the anticipated moment could not be found.

That hoped-for daybreak, once decorated with hopes, Leaves with pals for an uncertain future. The coast of the peaceful wave's home will exist somewhere in the vastness of the celestial dome.

It will anchor somewhere, the troubled heart's vessel. Oh, how relentlessly the young, passionate blood flows! Loved ones who depart us leave behind innumerable memories, They call with their arms out and their bodies entwined.

She was a garden of radiance, brilliant and one-of-a-kind, and She was priceless, the charm of the morning's cheek. Heard it was the division of darkness and light's will, and desires danced lightly under the weight of tiredness.

It has been reported that the journey's predetermined course has been completed, changing the directives of the greatly afflicted source. The fire inside the heart, the longing in the eyes, the chime of the heart: the joy of union is acceptable, but the pain of absence is a crime.

It doesn't reveal any signs of separation disorder. Where does the lovely air come from? The news of the candle's secret is still unfolding in the elevated night, but you are still unconscious of it.

The wonderful night's darkness has not abated, and neither has the time of salvation for the eyes and the suffering of the heart. Keep pushing; don't lose your light. The objective is still out of sight.

یہ داغ داغ اُجالا ، یہ شب گزیدہ سحر
وہ انتظار تھا جس کا، یہ وہ سحر تو نہیں
یہ وہ سحر تو نہیں ، جس کی آرزو لے کر
چلے تھے یار ، کہ مل جائے گی کہیں نہ کہیں
فلک کے دشت میں، تاروں کی آخری منزل
کہیں تو ھو گا ، شبِ سُست موج کا ساحل
کہیں تو جا کے رکے گا ، سفینۂ غمِ دل
جواں لہو کی پُر اِسرار شاھراھوں سے
چلے جو یار ، تو دامن پہ کتنے ھاتھ پڑے
دیارِ حُسن کی ، بے صبر خواب گاھوں سے
پکارتی رھیں بانہیں ، بدن بلاتے رھے
بہت عزیز تھی لیکن ، رُخِ سحر کی لگن
بہت قریں تھا حسینانِ نُور کا دامن
سُبک سُبک تھی تمنا ، دَبی دَبی تھی تھکن
سُنا ھے ، ھو بھی چکا ھے فراقِ ظلمت و نُور
سُنا ھے ، ھو بھی چکا ھے وصالِ منزل و گام
بدل چکا ھے بہت اھلِ درد کا دستُور
نشاطِ وصل حلال و عذابِ ھجر حرام
جگر کی آگ ، نظر کی امنگ ، دل کی جلن
کسی پہ چارۂ ھجراں کا کچھ اثر ھی نہیں
کہاں سے آئی نگارِ صبا ، کدھر کو گئی
ابھی چراغِ سرِ رہ کو کچھ خبر ھی نہیں
ابھی گرانئ شب میں کمی نہیں آئی
نجاتِ دیدہ و دِل کی گھڑی نہیں آئی
چلے چلو ، کہ وہ منزل ابھی نہیں آئی۔
”فیض احمّد فیض“

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