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The Address of President Clinton to Pakistan: A Diplomatic and Linguistic Bridge

The Address of President Clinton to Pakistan: A Diplomatic and Linguistic Bridge

Title:The Address of President Clinton to Pakistan: A Diplomatic and Linguistic Bridge

"The answer to flawed democracy is not to end democracy but to improve it."
–William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd US President (1993-2001)


President Clinton's address in Pakistan in 2000 was more than just a political statement; it also served as a diplomatic and linguistic bridge between the two nations. His speech was meticulously crafted, using linguistic, discourse features and offering a critical analysis of Pakistan's challenges as well as a vision for a better, brighter future based on democratic values and peaceful coexistence. A nation's strength lies not just in its power, but also in the unity of its people and the profundity of their collective vision.

Linguistic and Discourse Features in the Speech:

Linguistic Features:

Formal Tone:

Clinton maintained a formal and respectful tone throughout, in keeping with diplomatic tradition and respect for the Pakistani audience.

Rhetorical Questions:

His use of rhetorical questions captivated the audience and prompted them to consider Pakistan's destiny.


Clinton used quotes from historical figures to emphasize the value of democracy and togetherness.

"More than half a century ago, Mohammed Ali Jinnah shared a vision of unity and progress: 'If you work together... there will be no end to the progress you will make.' Today, let us carry forward that spirit of unity for a brighter future."

“So let us draw strength from the words of the great Pakistani poet Muhammad Iqbal, who said, "In the midst of today's upheaval, give us a vision of tomorrow."”

Emotive Language:

"As-salaam aleikum. It is an honor to stand before the people of Pakistan today, as a friend, admirer, and committed partner in shaping the future of our nations together."

He used emotional language to demonstrate empathy and shared ideas between the United States and Pakistan in order to develop common ground and stress similar beliefs.


The address includes imperative comments advocating particular acts, such as stepping up anti-terror activities.

Discourse Features:

Historical Context:

References to earlier occurrences involving the United States and Pakistan set the current situation in a broader historical context. Clinton emphasized the importance of democracy and unity by quoting Mohammed Ali Jinnah and the writers of the United States Constitution.

Political Realism:

Clinton recognized Pakistan's issues and provided constructive solutions that emphasized democracy and peace.

Diplomatic Language:

The speech kept a conciliatory tone, avoiding conflict and encouraging collaboration.

Cultural References:

The use of quotations from Allama Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan, and acknowledgment of cultural practices demonstrated cultural awareness and respect.


Throughout, there was a sense of empowerment, highlighting the Pakistani people's involvement in creating their country's fate.

Admiration for Pakistan's History:

Clinton praised Pakistan's rich heritage while emphasizing cultural sensitivity and tolerance.

Unity and Progress:

He emphasized the possibility of progress via unity, supporting common efforts for progress.

Challenges Hindering Progress:

Recognized political, economic, and regional difficulties impeding Pakistan's worldwide economic potential.

Focus on Democratic Development:

Advocating for the strengthening of democracy rather than its abolition, and proposing a route for improved government.

Desire for Peace:

The speech highlighted a commitment to peace while admitting limits in implementing it, and it called for joint peace-building initiatives.

Admiration, Friendship, and Historical Collaboration:

The importance of friendship and partnership was emphasized, as was admiration for Pakistan's cultural and historical ties.

Vision, Unity, and the Journey to a New World:

In the midst of global transitions, the necessity for unity and a collective vision was emphasized.

Obstacles to Progress and Importance of Democracy:

Recognized difficulties and called for democratic improvement as a route of advancement.

Nuclear Proliferation, Peace, and Security:

Peace-building was emphasized, the efficacy of nuclear weapons was questioned, and diplomacy was urged for to alleviate tensions.

Encouragement of Dialogue, Restraint, and Vision for the Future:

Encouraged dialogue and caution while outlining a future vision for Pakistan that emphasized democracy and stability.

Critical Analysis and Relevance Today:

President Clinton's speech featured a thorough examination of Pakistan's problems and potential remedies. His emphasis on long-term democratic government, conflict resolution through conversation, and regional peace collaboration is still very relevant today. Pakistan could take advantage of Clinton's recommendations by actively participating in democratic processes, fostering peace, and collaborating on regional stability measures.

Friendship and Unity:

President Clinton's speech underlined the importance of unity and alliances in supporting growth. A nation's power is found not only within its boundaries, but also in the links of friendship it weaves with others, fostering unity and progress. His words mirrored a call for collaboration, recognizing nations' interconnectivity and the shared need to work together to construct a brighter future. Friendship is more than just a tie; it is a pledge to stand together, to promote riches and peace in a world bound together by camaraderie.

Vision and Collective Progress:

Clinton's worldview was closely connected to the concept of collective progress. Today, the strength of tomorrow is in our united vision; it is not a solitary route, but a shared journey toward progress. His address portrayed a picture of unity of vision propelling nations ahead, highlighting the importance of coordinated efforts to navigate the changing global situation.

“Now we are in the dawn of a new century, and a new and changing world has come into view. All around the globe a revolution is taking hold, a revolution that is tearing down barriers and building up networks among nations and individuals. For millions it has made real the dream of a better life with good schools, good jobs, a good future for their children.”

“Like all key moments in human history, this one poses some hard choices, for this era does not reward people who struggle in vain to redraw borders with blood. It belongs to those with the vision to look beyond borders for partners in commerce and trade. It does not favor nations where governments claim all the power to solve every problem. Instead, it favors nations where the people have the freedom and responsibility to shape their own destinies.”

The Significance of Democracy:

President Clinton addressed the obstacles to Pakistan's progress throughout his speech, emphasizing the crucial role of advancing democracy rather than abandoning it. True democracy is defined not only by its presence, but also by its ongoing pursuit of development, a journey to build a more perfect nation. His support for a more robust democratic process echoed his belief in the transforming power of inclusive governance.True democracy is defined not only by its presence, but also by its ongoing pursuit of development, a journey to build a ‘more perfect’ nation.

"The answer to flawed democracy is not to end democracy but to improve it."
–William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd US President (1993-2001)

Peace and Mutual Understanding:

Clinton's statements echoed a call for peace and understanding in the face of tragedy. Suffering teaches the global language of peace; now is the moment to listen and learn, opening the road for mutual understanding. His message mirrored the need for empathy and conversation as powerful tools for bridging gaps and forging routes to peace.

Empowerment and Responsibility:

President Clinton emphasized the empowerment that comes with the duty to shaping the future in his speech. The ability to shape our future is not a burden, but rather a gift bestowed upon us, allowing us to carve a path worthy of our goals. His statements rang true with the concept of individual and communal agency in shaping a nation's future.

Tolerance and Global Harmony:

The speech exuded tolerance and a wish for global peace. Diversity is where we find our strength, tolerance, and harmony. Let us collaborate to build a society in which acceptance is the common thread. His call for tolerance and acceptance represented a vision of a world held together by understanding and tolerance for differences. Let us plant the seeds of tolerance, nurture the garden of democracy, and build global friendship bridges.

Friendship and Global Partnerships:

President Clinton underlined the importance of friendship and global cooperation throughout his speech. Friendship is more than simply a bond; it is a vow to stand together, to promote wealth and peace in a world linked by camaraderie. His remarks emphasized the significance of coalitions in managing the difficulties of a constantly changing world.

Clinton on Kashmir Issue:

“I have listened carefully to General Musharraf and others. I understand your concerns about Kashmir. I share your convictions that human rights of all its people must be respected. But a stark truth must also be faced. There is no military solution to Kashmir. International sympathy, support, and intervention cannot be won by provoking a bigger, bloodier conflict. On the contrary, sympathy and support will be lost. And no matter how great the grievance, it is wrong to support attacks against civilians across the Line of Control.”

Clinton on Indo-Pak Rleations:

“Last year the world watched with hope as the leaders of India and Pakistan met in Lahore on the road to better relations. This is the right road to peace for Pakistan and India, and for the resolution of the problems in Kashmir. Therefore, I will do all I can to help both sides restore the promise and the process of Lahore.”

Future Perspective:

Regardless of the challenges, fostering a proactive and forward-thinking approach and promoting a positive outlook.

Hope and Resilience:

Clinton's speech was full of hope and perseverance, inspiring a collaborative spirit to overcome obstacles. In the face of adversity, hope serves as our anchor, and perseverance serves as our guiding light, bringing us to the shores of a brighter tomorrow. In the face of hardship, his comments conveyed a message of resilience and unyielding optimism. Unity knits hope, tolerance weaves peace, and collaboration paints a picture of prosperity for all in the fabric of our shared future.

“With the right vision, rooted in tomorrow's promise, not yesterday's pain, rooted in dialog, not destruction, Pakistan can fulfill its destiny as a beacon of democracy in the Moslem world, an engine of growth, a model of tolerance, an anchor of stability. Pakistan can have a future worthy of the dreams of the Quaid-e Azam.”

If you choose that future, the United States will walk with you. I hope you will make that choice. And I pray for our continued friendship, for peace, for Pakistan. Zindabad.

President Clinton's speech to Pakistan in 2000 was a watershed moment in international relations, going beyond conventional political communication to construct a tapestry of cultural understanding across nations. His intentional use of language, which included terms such as ‘As-salaam aleikum’ and references to Pakistan's cultural heritage, attempted to build a linguistic bridge with the Pakistani audience, building familiarity and solidarity. Clinton attempted to engage the audience on a deeper level by using a formal yet courteous tone, rhetorical questions, and emotive language, and resonating with shared ideals and concerns.

His address delves into the several challenges hindering Pakistan's advancement, demonstrating a nuanced awareness of the country's political, economic, and social context. Clinton displayed a good understanding of Pakistan's difficulties, from identifying obstacles such as the necessity for democratic stability, the nuclear standoff with India, and the dangerous Kashmir dispute to calling for the redirection of resources from military to social development. His wisdom created the framework for a successful, democratic Pakistan founded on unity, tolerance, and stability by urging a strengthened democratic process, reduced regional tensions, and coordinated peace initiatives.

Clinton's persistent devotion to democratic values was clear as he underlined the importance of improving faulty democracy rather than abandoning it. He was an ardent supporter of Pakistan's sovereignty in governance decisions, envisioning a nation ruled by the rule of law, accountability, and unrestricted free expression. His denunciation of violence and extremism emphasized the importance of overcoming such impediments to Pakistan's growth. Furthermore, his position on nuclear proliferation, regional tensions, and the Kashmir dispute urged for dialogue and peace as solutions.

His vision offered a vivid picture of Pakistan as a beacon of democracy, an economic engine, and a stable anchor. His call for a tolerant, forward-thinking worldview, rooted in hope, resonated deeply, spurring communal efforts toward progress and stability. This speech was more than just a diplomatic address; it was a blueprint for partnership, hope, and a peaceful future, remembering Pakistan's history while pledging unshakable support for the country.

Finally, Clinton's 2000 speech provides a foresighted appraisal of Pakistan's issues, as well as practical counsel for a better future. Embracing democratic values, conducting conflict resolution talks, and building stability through regional collaboration are all in line with Clinton's advice, illuminating a route for Pakistan's development and prosperity in the twenty-first century.


President Clinton's speech to Pakistan was a superb blend of linguistic complexities and savvy diplomatic foresight, combining praise for Pakistan's legacy with an open admission of its troubles. Clinton supported a forward-thinking, collaborative strategy critical to Pakistan's future growth in a well crafted speech.

His speech, a beacon of linguistic empathy, struck a chord not only with political significance, but also as a link between the United States and Pakistan. The intentional use of Urdu language and cultural references demonstrated respect while also establishing familiarity and solidarity with the Pakistani audience. His tone, which was calibrated between formality and respect, attempted to connect with the audience's cultural expectations, forging a bond based on shared values and concerns.

Clinton's astute remarks captured Pakistan's complex sociopolitical scene, covering crucial issues ranging from the necessity for democratic stability to the Kashmir dispute and nuclear proliferation. His vision for a thriving Pakistan based on unity, tolerance, and stability called for a strengthened democratic process, a reduction in regional tensions, and concerted peace initiatives.

The speech was more than just an analysis; it was a visionary blueprint for advancement, highlighting the importance of democratic ideals and the importance of dialogue over confrontation. His steadfast support for Pakistan's sovereignty, as well as his denunciation of violence and extremism, were fundamental foundations of his speech. Clinton's vision saw Pakistan as a beacon of democracy, a growth engine, and a stable anchor, founded in hope and collective efforts toward change.

In essence, Clinton's speech serves as a road map, a timeless guide presenting sensible solutions to Pakistan's modern difficulties. It emphasizes the significance of collaborative approaches, unity, and stability as pillars of the nation's trajectory. His ideas ring out like a clarion call, pointing the route to wealth, unity, and stability, inviting Pakistan to a future defined by progress and harmony.

“It is all in your hands. I know enough about the ingenuity and enterprise and heart of Pakistani people to know that this is possible. With the right vision, rooted in tomorrow's promise, not yesterday's pain, rooted in dialog, not destruction, Pakistan can fulfill its destiny as a beacon of democracy in the Moslem world, an engine of growth, a model of tolerance, an anchor of stability. Pakistan can have a future worthy of the dreams of the Quaid-e Azam.”


Transcript of the Speech:

William Jefferson Clinton
42nd President of the United States: 1993 ‐ 2001
Television Address to the People of Pakistan From Islamabad, Pakistan
March 25, 2000

As-salaam aleikum. It is an honor to be the first President of the United States to address all the people of Pakistan, and the first to visit your country in more than 30 years. I'm here as a great admirer of your land's rich history, of its centuries of civilization that stretch as long as the Indus River. I'm here as one whose own Nation has been greatly enriched by the talents of Americans of Pakistani descent. But most of all, I am here as a friend, a grateful friend who values our long partnership, a concerned friend who cares deeply about the future course of your country, a committed friend who will stand with the people of Pakistan as long as you seek the stable, prosperous, democratic nation of your founders' dreams.

More than half a century ago, Mohammed Ali Jinnah shared that vision as he addressed Pakistan's Constituent Assembly. "If you work together," he said, "in a spirit that every one of you is first, second, and last a citizen, with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make." The Quaid-e Azam ended that speech by reading a telegram he had just received. The message expressed hope for success in the great work you were about to undertake. That message was from the people of the United States.

Despite setbacks and suffering, the people of Pakistan have built this nation from the ground up, on a foundation of democracy and law. And for more than 50 years now, we have been partners with you. Pakistan helped the United States open a dialog with China. We stood together when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Our partnership helped to end the cold war. And in the years since, we have cooperated in the fight against terrorism. Our soldiers have stood together in missions of peace in every part of the world. This is your proud legacy, our proud legacy.

Now we are in the dawn of a new century, and a new and changing world has come into view. All around the globe a revolution is taking hold, a revolution that is tearing down barriers and building up networks among nations and individuals. For millions it has made real the dream of a better life with good schools, good jobs, a good future for their children.

Like all key moments in human history, this one poses some hard choices, for this era does not reward people who struggle in vain to redraw borders with blood. It belongs to those with the vision to look beyond borders for partners in commerce and trade. It does not favor nations where governments claim all the power to solve every problem. Instead, it favors nations where the people have the freedom and responsibility to shape their own destinies.

Pakistan can achieve great things in this new world, but real obstacles stand in the way. The political situation, the economic situation, the tensions in this region, they are holding Pakistan back from achieving its full potential in the global economy.

I know I don't have to tell you all this. This is something you know, something you have seen. But I do have hope. I believe Pakistan can make its way through the troubles and build a future worthy of the visions of its founders: a stable, prosperous, democratic Pakistan, secure in its borders, friendly with its neighbors, confident in its future; a Pakistan, as Jinnah said, "at peace within and at peace without."

What is in the way of that vision? Well, clearly, the absence of democracy makes it harder, not easier, for people to move ahead. I know democracy isn't easy; it's certainly not perfect. The authors of my own country's Constitution knew that as well. They said that the mission of the United States would always be, and I quote, "to form a more perfect Union." In other words, they knew we would never fully realize our ideals, but that we could keep moving closer to them. That means the question for free people is always how to keep moving forward.

We share your disappointment that previous democratic governments in Pakistan did not do better for their citizens. But one thing is certain: Democracy cannot develop if it is constantly uprooted before it has a chance to firmly take hold. Successful democratic government takes time and patience and hard work. The answer to flawed democracy is not to end democracy but to improve it.

I know General Musharraf has just announced a date for local elections. That is a good step. But the return of civilian democratic rule requires a complete plan, a real roadmap.

Of course, no one from the outside can tell Pakistan how it should be governed. That is for you, the people of Pakistan, to decide, and you should be given the opportunity to do so. I hope and believe you want Pakistan to be a country where the rule of law prevails; a country where officials are accountable; a country where people can express their points of view without fear; a country that wisely forsakes revenge for the wounds of the past, and instead pursues reconciliation for the sake of the future. If you choose this path, your friends in the United States will stand with you.

There are obstacles to your progress, including violence and extremism. We Americans also have felt these evils. Surely we have both suffered enough to know that no grievance, no cause, no system of beliefs can ever justify the deliberate killing of innocents. Those who bomb bus stations, target Embassies, or kill those who uphold the law are not heroes. They are our common enemies, for their aim is to exploit painful problems, not to resolve them.

Just as we have fought together to defeat those who traffic in narcotics, today I ask Pakistan to intensify its efforts to defeat those who inflict terror.

Another obstacle to Pakistan's progress is the tragic squandering of effort, energy, and wealth on policies that make your nation poorer, but not safer. That is one reason we must try to resolve the differences between our two nations on nuclear weapons.

Again, you must make the decision. But my questions to you are no different from those I posed in India. Are you really more secure today than you were before you tested nuclear weapons? Will these weapons make war with India less likely or simply more deadly? Will a costly arms race help you to achieve any economic development? Will it bring you closer to your friends around the world, closer to the partnerships you need to build your dreams?

Today, the United States is dramatically cutting its nuclear arsenal. Around the world nations are renouncing these weapons. I ask Pakistan also to be a leader for nonproliferation. In your own self-interest, to help us to prevent dangerous technologies from spreading to those who might have no reservations at all about using them, take the right steps now to prevent escalation, to avoid miscalculation, to reduce the risk of war.

As leaders in your own country have suggested, one way to strengthen your security would be to join the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. The whole world will rally around you if you do.

I believe it is also in Pakistan's interest to reduce tensions with India. When I was in New Delhi, I urged India to seize the opportunity for dialog. Pakistan also must help create conditions that will allow dialog to succeed. For India and Pakistan this must be a time of restraint, for respect for the Line of Control, and renewed lines of communication.

I have listened carefully to General Musharraf and others. I understand your concerns about Kashmir. I share your convictions that human rights of all its people must be respected. But a stark truth must also be faced. There is no military solution to Kashmir. International sympathy, support, and intervention cannot be won by provoking a bigger, bloodier conflict. On the contrary, sympathy and support will be lost. And no matter how great the grievance, it is wrong to support attacks against civilians across the Line of Control.

In the meantime, I ask again: Will endless, costly struggle build good schools for your children? Will it make your cities safer? Will it bring clean water and better health care? Will it narrow the gaps between those who have and those who have nothing? Will it hasten the day when Pakistan's energy and wealth are invested in building its future? The answer to all these questions is plainly no.

The American people don't want to see tensions rise and suffering increase. We want to be a force for peace. But we cannot force peace. We can't impose it. We cannot and will not mediate or resolve the dispute in Kashmir. Only you and India can do that, through dialog.

Last year the world watched with hope as the leaders of India and Pakistan met in Lahore on the road to better relations. This is the right road to peace for Pakistan and India, and for the resolution of the problems in Kashmir. Therefore, I will do all I can to help both sides restore the promise and the process of Lahore.

A few months ago we had a ceremony at the White House to mark the end of Ramadan. An imam shared a message from the Koran which tells us that God created nations and tribes that we might know one another, not that we may despise one another. During the years of my Presidency, I have tried to know the Muslim world as part of our common humanity. I have stood with the people of Bosnia and Kosovo, who were brutalized because of their Muslim faith. I have mourned with Jordanians and Moroccans at the loss of their brave leaders. I have been privileged to speak with Palestinians at their National Council in Gaza. Today I am proud to speak with you because I value our long friendship, and because I believe our friendship can still be a force for tolerance and understanding throughout the world. I hope you will be able to meet the difficult challenges we have discussed today.

If you do not, there is a danger that Pakistan may grow even more isolated, draining even more resources away from the needs of the people, moving even closer to a conflict no one can win. But if you do meet these challenges, our full economic and political partnership can be restored for the benefit of the people of Pakistan.

So let us draw strength from the words of the great Pakistani poet Muhammad Iqbal, who said, "In the midst of today's upheaval, give us a vision of tomorrow." If the people of Pakistan and South Asia are driven by a tolerant, generous vision of tomorrow, your nation and this entire region can be the great success story of the world's next 50 years.

It is all in your hands. I know enough about the ingenuity and enterprise and heart of Pakistani people to know that this is possible. With the right vision, rooted in tomorrow's promise, not yesterday's pain, rooted in dialog, not destruction, Pakistan can fulfill its destiny as a beacon of democracy in the Moslem world, an engine of growth, a model of tolerance, an anchor of stability. Pakistan can have a future worthy of the dreams of the Quaid-e Azam.

If you choose that future, the United States will walk with you. I hope you will make that choice. And I pray for our continued friendship, for peace, for Pakistan. Zindabad.

The President spoke at 4:20 p.m. from the Presidential Palace. In his remarks, he referred to Gen. Pervez Musharraf, army chief of staff, who led a coup d'etat in Pakistan on October 12, 1999.

William J. Clinton, Television Address to the People of Pakistan From Islamabad, Pakistan Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/227840


William J. Clinton
42nd President of the United States: 1993 ‐ 2001
Television Address to the People of Pakistan From Islamabad, Pakistan


President Clinton's Address in Pakistan (2000) [FOIA 2016-0242-F]

YouTube: Link

Clinton Pushes for Peace, Democracy in Pakistan : Link


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