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Climate Justice: Assessing COP28's Crucial Role in the Face of Global Imperatives and Calls for Reparations

Climate Justice: Assessing COP28's Crucial Role in the Face of Global Imperatives and Calls for Reparations

Climate Justice: Assessing COP28's Crucial Role in the Face of Global Imperatives and Calls for Reparations

The much-awaited COP28 has begun, signaling a vital milestone in the global fight against climate change. Set against a backdrop of growing natural disasters and an urgent call for unified global action, this year's UN climate summit, which is taking place in Dubai beginning November 30, stands out as a watershed moment in the fight against the climate crisis.

COP28: A Pivotal Summit in the Face of Climate Crisis

The world has arrived to COP28, a critical juncture in the fight against climate change. This year's UN climate summit, started on November 30 in Dubai, comes against a backdrop of unparalleled natural disasters and a compelling need for decisive global cooperation.

Overview and Imperatives:

Over 70,000 people are expected to attend the meeting, including government officials, corporate leaders, climate activists, and other representatives. Notably, the increased participation of delegates from the fossil fuel industry alongside major individuals such as US Climate Envoy John Kerry and China's Special Representative Xie Zhenhua highlights the high stakes and high-level talks defining global climate action.

In the middle of this, Dubai's ambitions to advocate climate measures under Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber's leadership are contrasted with criticisms of the country's stance on fossil fuels, highlighting the inherent difficulties in combining economic interests with environmental imperatives. The summit's thematic pillars simultaneously highlight crucial topics encompassing energy transition, climate finance, adaptation, resilience, and inclusivity.

A Gathering of Global Leaders:

Over 70,000 people have gathered in Dubai, including government officials, corporate leaders, climate campaigners, and representatives from many groups. Notably, the number of representatives representing fossil fuel industries has increased, highlighting the difficulties in balancing climate action with vested interests.

The presence of key leaders such as US Climate Envoy John Kerry and China's Special Representative on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua, who represent the world's greatest greenhouse gas emitters, is hugely significant. Their roles, as well as the agreements reached between the United States and China, set critical milestones for global climate action.

Agenda and Concerns of the Host Country:

Dubai, sponsored by Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, CEO of the UAE's state-owned oil business, intends to lead climate initiatives. However, criticisms of the country's attitude on fossil fuels have emerged, raising concerns about the alignment of goal and action.

Despite assurances that protesters will be allowed to demonstrate, concerns about arbitrary detentions remain, emphasizing the necessity of protecting civil liberties with climate campaigning.

Agenda and Major Focus Areas

The summit emphasis points include essential issues such as:

Energy Transition:

Efforts to quadruple global renewable energy capacity by 2030, as well as improvements in decarbonization technologies, are key pillars driven by coalitions including the United States and the European Union.

Climate Finance:

Closing the finance gap for climate action remains a formidable task. Although investments in renewable energy have increased, they fall short of the UN's massive financial requirement.

Adaptation and Resilience:

With a focus on sustainable development in vulnerable countries, discussions will center on financial methods and climate resilience and adaptation programs.


Empowering underrepresented voices, notably youth, Indigenous groups, and gender minorities, underlines the importance of incorporating a range of viewpoints when developing climate policies.

Stocktake Insights and Global Concerns:

The preliminary findings of the global stocktake reflect a sad reality: there will be a shortfall in fulfilling the Paris Agreement goals, stressing the need for bold actions to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Expectations for firm commitments and legally enforceable agreements analogous to the Paris Agreement are teetering, overshadowed by the constant issue of turning promises into concrete results.

Anticipated Negotiations:

Expectations for specific commitments and resolutions similar to the Paris Agreement are high. Speculation abounds over potential advancements in the phase-out of fossil fuels, while difficulties persist in turning ideas into effective, binding agreements.

Challenges and Calls for Justice:

While the summit has lofty aspirations, a troubling gap between rhetoric and actual steps emerges, casting doubt on the genuineness of commitments in the face of competing interests. In the wake of recent disastrous floods, Pakistan's ardent call for climate reparations serves as a sobering reminder of the inequity and disproportionate toll borne by nations least responsible for the catastrophe.

The Way Forward:

As the globe prepares for COP28, hope and trepidation coexist. The summit has the potential to be a catalyst for significant climate action, but it will face the same obstacles as previous summits in translating commitments into actual achievements.

The world waits with bated breath, hoping that this meeting of world leaders in Dubai will be a watershed moment in the fight against climate change.

COP28: Balancing Intentions and Actions:

While the program for COP28 in Dubai has admirable goals, the meeting displays a troubling divergence between rhetoric and reality. The presence of fossil fuel delegates alongside high climate change pledges raises eyebrows, calling into doubt the authenticity of commitments made in the face of competing interests. The host country's ambitions to lead in climate action contrast sharply with criticisms of its position on fossil fuels, highlighting the difficult terrain of reconciling economic interests with environmental imperatives. Furthermore, although inclusivity seeks to elevate minority voices, worries about civil liberties loom, emphasizing potential conflicts between campaigning and the protection of fundamental rights. As the summit begins, the gap between aspirational goals and tangible, enforceable agreements emerges as a critical concern, casting a shadow over the summit's prospective achievements.

Pakistan's Call for Climate Reparations: An Urgent Global Imperative

The recent severe floods in Pakistan are a stark reminder of the devastating toll exacted by the ongoing climate crisis. Christopher Tanner's impassioned request for reparations from wealthy nations echoes a common sentiment: the global north bears the majority of the blame for the ongoing environmental upheaval, necessitating both moral accountability and financial restitution.

These floods, a direct result of climatic chaos compounded by wealthier nations' industrialization and exploitation, demand unequivocal acknowledgement and subsequent responsibilities. While platforms like Cop26 aim to aid in mitigation efforts, they fall short of addressing the immediate aftermath and accumulating damage that nations like Pakistan are facing. The demand for reparations is more than just a monetary compensation; it is a pivotal recognition of historical accountability and an ethical obligation to right the wrongs done.

Pakistan, a modest contributor to global emissions, is dealing with the disproportionate consequences of a catastrophe it had little hand in causing. The devastating floods, which left swaths of damage in their wake, highlight the urgent need for equitable retribution. Sherry Rehman's passionate call to revisit carbon targets and reparations emphasizes the need to rebalance global climate agreements. The magnitude of this calamity, with widespread flooding, destroyed infrastructure, and millions affected, heightens the call for prompt action and appropriate reparations.

The disproportionate burden carried by countries such as Pakistan needs a paradigm shift in climate thinking. The terrible reality that communities in these crisis-affected regions endure necessitate recognition of their implicit involvement and substantial support from wealthier nations and business entities. Beyond financial help, the request for reparations represents a moral imperative, restitution for historical injustices, and a shared commitment to build sustainable solutions in solidarity with the most impacted nations.


As the world awaits COP28 in Dubai with mixed emotions, it remains poised for potential advances in tackling the climate emergency. Nonetheless, the summit is confronted with the persistent barriers that have historically hampered the translation of ambitions into significant, enforceable measures. The urgent demand for climate justice resounds, emphasizing the critical need for equitable solutions, restitution, and a renewed commitment to collective, long-term action to avert the impending global catastrophe.


Best Ted Talks on Climate Change: Link

Fong, C. (November 21, 2023). COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai: What to Expect. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/cop28-climate-summit-dubai-what-expect

"Climate Change." (n.d.). Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/energy-and-environment/climate-change?utm_source=announcement-cop28&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=COP28Promo2023Dec2&utm_term=Announcement_2023COP28Resources

Tanner, C. (September 9, 2022). Pakistan deserves reparations for a catastrophe caused by rich countries. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/09/pakistan-deserves-reparations-for-a-catastrophe-caused-by-rich-countries

"Rich nations owe reparations to countries facing climate disaster, says Pakistan minister." (September 4, 2022). The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/09/pakistan-deserves-reparations-for-a-catastrophe-caused-by-rich-countries

COP28 UAE Official. (n.d.). COP28 UAE [YouTube channel]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/@COP28UAEOfficial


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