. First Day of College for students (Guidelines for the teachers)
May 26, 2014
. First Day of School/College for students (Guidelines for the teachers)
i) Get to school/college early.
ii) Introduce yourself.
iii) Have students introduce themselves to one another/class/you (the teacher).
iv) Icebreaker activities.
v) Establish expectations.
vi) No new academic work – do review activities.
vii) Administrative – have students help - attendance.
viii) Teach signal for attention (Practice).
ix) Make contact with each and every student.
x) Teach some study skills that will help them survive your class.
xi) Establish class routines (student input – washroom, water etc).
xii) Teach them how to follow certain routines – e.g. how to come in, line up, where to hang or place different things – read to students and gather and writing sample.
xiii) Pair work (think – pair – share).
xiv) Select the class representatives, subject leaders and explain their working.
xv) Make sure students are aware of their responsibilities.
xvi) Give the class time table – Homework schedule, test schedule, academic calendar etc.
xvii) Class Rules: write/recite the class rules as needed and make the students understand their values.
xviii) Collect the student’s files, if any.
xix) Make them understand the exam/late coming/uniform/language defaulter policy.