May 26, 2014
What is Mathematics?
It is the science of logical reasoning. OR
It is a way to settle in the mind a habit of reasoning.
This reasoning is of peculiar kind and possesses a number of characteristics such as simplicity, accuracy, certainty of results, originality, similarity to the reasoning of life and verification.
Mathematics Teacher should know that
i) Why should everybody learn mathematics?
ii) Why should this subject be taught to everybody?
iii) What is the place of mathematics in any scheme of education?
iv) What is the importance of this subject in life and in college curriculum?
v) What will be the advantage of devoting so much effort, time and money to the teaching of mathematics?
vi) What are the aims and purposes of teaching mathematics?
vii) How does it make any contribution in the development of an individual?
Principles of Meaningful Mathematics Learning
1. Interest and attention
2. Definite aim
3. Principle of utility
4. Importance of learning activities
5. Motivation
6. Proper attitude
7. Correlation
8. Proper use of mental faculties
9. Law of exercise
Mathematics Teaching Methodologies
1) Lecture Method
2) Dogmatic Method
3) Inductive – Deductive Method
4) Heuristic Method
5) Analytical – Synthetic Method
6) Laboratory Method
7) Project Method
8) Concentric Method
Tips for Mathematics Teachers
1) Practice all aspects of manipulative algebra within the syllabus.
2) Practice answering questions without a calculator.
3) Practice answering questions that require explanations.
4) Practice answering unstructured questions.
5) Practice accurate drawing.
6) Practice answering questions which exploit the calculator, aiming for efficiency.
7) Encourage the checking of answers, especially for reasonableness.
8) Encourage well laid out but concise work.
9) Make sure candidates learn the formulae they need.
10) Practice rounding numbers but only at the appropriate stage.