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Creative Writing

I. Introduction

A. Definition of Creative Writing B. Benefits of Creative Writing C. Setting the Tone for a Creative Writing Class

II. Warm-Up Exercises A. Word Association B. Free Writing C. Mind Mapping

III. Writing Prompts A. Describing a Place B. Character Development C. Writing in the First or Third Person

IV. Collaborative Writing A. Round Robin Storytelling B. Group Poetry Writing C. Writing a Scene as a Group

V. Character Building Exercises A. Interviewing a Character B. Writing a Character’s Backstory C. Creating a Character’s Internal Conflict

VI. Description and Setting A. Writing Sensory Descriptions B. Creating a Mood through Setting C. Using Setting to Drive the Plot

VII. Freewriting and Improvisation A. Stream of Consciousness Writing B. Writing from a Random Word or Phrase C. Improvisational Storytelling

VIII. Conclusion A. Recap of Creative Writing Activities B. Final Thoughts on Improving Creative Writing Skills C. Encouragement to Continuously Practice and Experiment.

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