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The Political Narrative in Pakistan: Half-Truths and Incomplete Stories

Recently, renowned columnist Javed Chaudhary has been writing columns aimed at painting a favorable image of former army chief General Bajwa. However, these columns only present half-truths and do not fully address the events leading to the removal of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the rise of current Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Imran Khan has also been evasive in addressing the circumstances surrounding his rise to power. He should muster up the courage to tell the people of Pakistan the truth about how he came to power and who brought him there. Similarly, Nawaz Sharif claims that he was ousted unfairly, but he too fails to address how he came to power under the tutelage of General Zia.

The Peoples Party, another democratic party in Pakistan, claims to be truly democratic, but they too are unwilling to address the events leading to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's rise to power under General Ayyub and Major General Sikandar Mirza.

The political narrative in Pakistan is a tangled web of half-truths and distorted stories, with neither the media, the military, nor the politicians willing to tell the whole truth. Until a full and honest account of events is presented, the political story in Pakistan will remain clouded and obscure.

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