May 28, 2023
Epoché: In Hellenistic philosophy, epoché refers to "withholding of assent" as well as the suspension of judgment. (Wikipedia)
Epoche, often written as epoché, is a crucial idea in phenomenology, a school of thought founded by Edmund Husserl. Epoche is the practice of suspending judgment or putting aside preconceived notions, notions, and biases in order to examine and explain occurrences in their most unadulterated, unfiltered, and subjective form.
The word "Epoché" is a Greek word that means "to suspend" or "to withhold." It entails putting aside or delaying any preconceived ideas or conclusions about a phenomenon in phenomenology so that the researcher can engage in direct and objective observation of lived experiences.
Phenomenologists that engage in the practice of epoche seek to access phenomena as they are experienced by individuals, without of any external frameworks or predetermined hypotheses. The objective is to capture the phenomenon's subjective characteristics and meanings by concentrating on its core and inherent components.
The phenomenologist attempts to become aware of and describe the phenomena as they actually appear, free from presumptions or judgments, during the Epoché process. This remission of judgment enables a more introspective and open investigation of the phenomenon, leading to a deeper comprehension of the underlying structures and meanings.
The Epoché is a crucial stage in the phenomenological approach that enables researchers to engage in phenomenological reduction or transcendental reduction. It contributes to a more thorough knowledge of subjective experiences by illuminating the underlying essences, meanings, and structures of events.
Epoche is a method for developing a phenomenological mindset that emphasizes the value of letting go of assumptions and approaching phenomena with curiosity, openness, and sensitivity to lived experiences.