Visualize a big tree with several branches and leaves. The old-world languages are represented by this tree. The earliest languages, which emerged from the Indo-European and Indo-Iranina families are at the bottom. As you climb the tree, fresh branches appear that stand in for other language families. One branch, for instance, depicts the Romance languages, which descended from Latin and include French, Spanish, and Italian. The Germanic languages, including English and German, are represented by another branch. More branches of Slavic languages, like Russian and Polish, as well as other language families, like the Celtic, Baltic, and Finno-Ugric, develop as you continue to ascend. Each branch indicates a collection of languages with similar roots. Modern languages are like the leaves on the branches of the tree, and they are at the top. These are the languages that we use today, including English, French, and Spanish. The language family tree of the old world demonstrates the connections between various tongues as well as their historical development.
According to new research, the world's linguistic diversity is in danger since fewer and fewer indigenous languages are being taught to youngsters. Grambank, a vast collection of language grammars created by the researchers, illustrates how much linguistic diversity we may be on course to lose. It shows that while some regions would experience drastic reductions of 25%, South America and Australia are predicted to lose all of their native language diversity. In order to give linguistic traditions that illuminate human history the much-needed support they require, the UN has proclaimed 2022–2032 the Decade of Indigenous Languages. The grammar of the more than 7,000 languages spoken worldwide varies considerably. Because of what these distinctions reveal about our past, our brains, and what it means to be human, linguists are fascinated by them. However, when more and more languages are not taught to children and die out, this vast diversity is in danger.