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Teaching Ideologies: Teachers vs. Learning Facilitators

Two Religions of Teaching: The ideologies and results of instructors versus learning facilitators:

We cannot imagine our lives without education. We pick up knowledge from schoolteachers, career mentors, and friends and family members. The results of pupils' learning are significantly influenced by the way teachers approach their jobs. This blog article will compare and contrast the teaching ideologies and practises of instructors and learning facilitators.

Teaching Ideologies: Teachers vs. Learning Facilitators


A teacher's philosophy of education affects how they approach their job in the classroom. "I'm the major source of information" and "I'm one of the many sources of information" are the two fundamental beliefs.

The first school of thought holds that the instructor is the main source of knowledge. They think that their pupils ought to pay attention to them and obey their directives. They frequently teach in a lecture-style format and need their students to take notes and recall the material they provide.

Learning facilitators, on the other hand, consider themselves as collaborators in the educational process. They think that students should take an active role in their own education. They inspire students to research subjects, ask questions, and impart their knowledge to others. They frequently teach using a discussion-style method, emphasising the growth of analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Classroom Setting:

Another area where instructors and learning facilitators diverge is the classroom setting. Students' interest and engagement levels can be greatly affected by the way their teachers interact with them.

Teachers that adhere to the first concept frequently foster a socially awkward situation in the classroom. They frequently rely on grades and test results as their main motivators because they think that competition and comparisons speed up learning.

Learning facilitators, on the other hand, foster strong social bonds amongst students in the classroom setting. They frequently use group work and collaborative projects as their main motivators because they feel that collaboration and sharing speed up learning.

Learning facilitators concentrate on internal motivation, such as a sense of responsibility and ownership, whereas instructors frequently focus on external elements of incentive, such as grades and rewards.

Role of teachers:

Another area where teachers and learning facilitators differ from one another is how teachers understand their function in the classroom. The boss in the classroom, instructors perceive themselves as lecturers or explainers. They frequently forbid any deviance from their rules and anticipate that their students would follow them without question.

Learning facilitators, on the other hand, consider themselves as participants in the classroom and learning facilitators. They encourage this by offering the necessary tools, direction, and assistance since they think that students should take an active role in their own learning.


The outcomes of a teacher's students are greatly influenced by how they approach their role in the classroom and the environment they foster. The outcomes that instructors and learning facilitators produce for their pupils are very different.

Educators that adhere to the first ideology frequently produce learners who are reliant on them for direction and knowledge. These students frequently lack self-assurance, have modest life goals, and have poor cognitive and decision-making skills. Their potential for achievement and personal growth is constrained, and they are more likely to be followers than leaders.

Learning facilitators, on the other hand, help learners become independent thinkers and decision-makers. These students are very self-assured and have very high aspirations in life. They have the potential to succeed in both their personal and professional life and possess strong leadership qualities.

Read more: 
Instructions for New Teachers


In conclusion, a teacher's approach to their job and the environment they foster in the classroom have a big influence on the learning results of their students. Teachers that prioritise competition and comparison as well as themselves as the major source of knowledge frequently produce dependent students who lack self-assurance and have poor cognitive and decision-making skills.

Learning facilitators who emphasise collaboration and sharing and regard themselves as partners in the learning process

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